You are very good company
I am with You and I don't need to worry
How I'm looking like
Because You don't see me
And I am not for looking
I'm bricking the wall I'm going through
Nice to meet You
I am very glad I met You
We met on the cross-road
But we didn't continue to walk on the same direction
Each one of us walking his own path again
I must go on the road once again
Maybe I will see You when You crossing the cross
Just that
Because we can't cross our roads any more
I blow in another dimension
I will fly with the angels again
Of course I will even You don't want me to
I'm so sorry
But Your traffic-light on my road is destroyed
It's only red light on and I stopped
I told You I am trapped
You can't brush me because I don't have a hair
You can't take walk with me because I have no legs
You don't love me because I am not for loving
You are not attracted to me
Because I have nothing for feature
You can't fly with me because I don't have wings
You can't smile with me because I am not funny
You can't talk to me because I have nothing to say
You can't notice me because I don't exist for You