Album: Pangaea

I want to see you cry bitch
Everything you ever loved is bullshit, I never cared, I never fucking cared
You should have listened to the people you fucked behind my back (they're right) I'm a monster
And don't you think of ever showing your face here again, or I'll rip it off and feed it to the hounds
I could never emphasize how much I just wish you were fucking skinned alive
And I'm glad the world is ending, no longer will I be plagued by the thought of you
I will finally breathe again, with my soul at rest
Quit your fucking bitching, once the skin is gone you wont feel anymore
This is for the good of the world, so quit your fucking complaining
You are the subject of my elegy, you are the topic of my eulogy
You are the ashes scattered across this shit wasteland
Hell will welcome you with open arms



ChiriK Kirik

Круто очень круто просто супер


Данила Фомин

А шума-то было.


Гарри Поттер

Кто тут от ПавликПавлика?)


Павел Сорокин

ЧЁТКО ВСТАВЛЯЕТ. Под такое хочеться натворить делов)))