Album: Sofa King Cool

Melanie Banks where can you be?
I haven't seen you since our graduation day.
And the years keep floating by.
Are you doing well?
Is everything alright?
Remember our crazy night after senior prom?
We were naked in your pool and we got busted by your mom.

Melanie, where can you be?
It has been so long.
I wonder if you ever think about me.

Melanie Banks how have you been?
Someone told me you're living in New York again.
I called your mother's house today.
But the message said that she had moved away.
I still laugh about the time you passed out in your car with "mother's milk" on ten and your headlights on.

Just eight words in my yearbook.
Eight words was all you wrote.
And you didn't sign your name.
Just your initials and your quote.
