Some people will walk through this life
And always survive, and be loved forever
Some people will seek and will find
Others will always be blind, and be lost
What have I done?
What have I done?

Dolore d'amore, senza lei, senza lei
Il grido del cuore, senza lei, senza lei

Some people will always be true
People like you, give their love forever
While others are tempted away
Just like a moth to the flame, til they burn
What have I done?
What have I done?

Dolore d'amore, senza lei, senza lei
Il grido del cuore, senza lei, senza lei

What have I done?
I can't live this way
What have I done?

Dolore d'amore, senza lei, senza lei
Il grido del cuore, senza lei, senza lei

Dolore d'amore, senza lei , senza lei
(what have I done?)
Il grido del cuore (what have I done?) senza lei, senza lei

Without her




Thank you for sharing this beautiful video beautifully edited and I love the dear precious and beautiful friend ♥ Syde♥ Wish you have a lovely new week    much ԼƠƔЄ (((Hugs))) from Huggie xoxo


ТС Kукушечка

Замечательное видео! Лайк! Посмотрела с большим интересом!