To yowr gentyll letters an answere to resyte
both I and my penne these to wyll aply
and thowgh that I can not yor goodnes [_____]
In ryme and meter elegantly
yet do I meane as fathfully [5]
As euer dyd louer for hys part
I take god to record whych knowyth my hart

And where as ye wyll contynew myne
To reporte for me ye may be bold
That yff I had lyves as argus had yne [10]
yet sooner all them lyse I wold
Then to be tempte for fere or for gold
yow to refuse or to forsake
wych ys my faythful and louyng make

Wyth faythullnes ye dyd euer pretend [15]
and gentylnes as now I see
off me wych was yowr pore old frend
yowr louyng husband now to be
synce ye defende from yor degree
take ye thys vnto yowr part [20]
my faythful trwe and louyng hart

for terme off lyfe thys gyft ye haue
Thus now adwe my none swete wyfe
from T H wych nowght doth crave
but yow the stay off all my lyfe [25]
and the that wore other bate or stryfe
To be tyed wyth yn ower louyng bandys
I wold the were on goodwyn sandys
