Album: Faryl

Ave Maria as sung by Faryl Smith, Latin traslation by Mick Bartram
Ave Maria:Ave Maria
Gratia plena:full of grace
Dominus tectum:the lord is with thee
Benedicta tu in mulieribus:blessed art thou among women
Et benedictus Fructus ventris tui, Iesus:and blessed is the fruit of
Thy womb, Jesus
sancta maria:holly mary
sancta maria:holly mary

ora pro nobis:pray for us our Lord
nobis pecatoribus:us sinners
nunc, et in hora, in hora mortis nostrae:now, and at the hour, the
Hour of our death
sancta maria:holly mary
sancta maria:holly mary
ora pro nobis:pray for us our Lord
nobis pecatoribus:us sinners
nunc et in hora, in hora mortis nostrae:now, and at the hour, the
Hour of our death
