Sitting in the great halls of Asgard
Fathers, brothers, me and glorious gods
Watching Midgard, the life of men without fear
But the sound of Gjallahorn reaches my ear
The sign Bifrosts guardian had to give
Sign of destiny, fate, no one shall longer live
The summoned deamons charge without remorse
Bifrost's breaking down under this overwhelming force
Vallhalla's gates open up, the ground begins to shake
My father riding the eight hooves leading his force to brake
The deamons siege, but his death is divine
So Fenrir ate him in one piece, now the wolf is mine
This is our realm's last dawn
Our fate, Ragnar
# | Top 5 Fimbulthier |
1 | Fimbulthier - Battlesong |
2 | Fimbulthier - Blinded By Hypocrisy |
3 | Fimbulthier - With Fire And Claws |
4 | Fimbulthier - Predators In A Human Shape |
5 | Fimbulthier - Epilog |