Album: Greetings and Salutations
The Friendship that love destroyed was not the
intention or ploy the aftermath the pulp you
are, beneath proud enigma you scar, you can't
afford another error, twice now already
agendered, you can't be lord this fake con-
tender for fake to the pulp you know you are
Best to scarand not to mention all the
mending! It's the worst to learn or even know
that you beat the example to pulp
Not to mention all the mending!
Not intended for the ending
Swift but fact an ear for lending
I welcome the beatings and the bendings
I'm bruised with what I've learnt and it's taken
me far
To pulp you've beaten me
The halt you seek in me
I'm beat to pulp, unlord your pride
There's no feeling like when they break it off