Sniffin up some of them good vibes
All the other pushers get out of the town
Roussel Radio is comin up around
Machine gun your family to death
It's Roussel Radio catch your fxxkin breath
Baby uh Fxxkin dangerous
This music's fxxkin dangerous
Baby this music's fxxkin dangerous
This music's fxxkin dangerous
Bar bar bar bububba bangarous
There's a new young guy on the scene
Called Roussel Radio that's my


I'm the president of the airwaves
Ba baby
I'm the president of the airwaves
Ba baby
I'm the president of the airwaves
Ba baby
I'm the president of the airwaves
Ba baby

Snap up this stuff
Baby kissed up I get?s up
Ha ha ha cocaine
This is the musical equivelent of cocaine
Baby this is radio cocaine
