Anna: don't waste another minute being stuck in this palace just come out and be free.

Elsa: well I have no choice because I confess.

Anna: what

Elsa: my plan was to be conceal don't feel don't let them know but because of you! well now they know.

Anna: well I'm sorry I never knew if you were another.

Elsa: if I was another what

Anna: if you were another conceal don't feel.

Elsa: oh yeah like that is going to work my life has to start all over again so I can't be another conceal don't feel.

Anna: but I'm sure you can be.

both: conceal don't feel don't let them know.

Elsa: but because of you! well now they know.

Anna: if you were another

Elsa: if I was another

both: conceal don't feel

Anna: I guess this is goodbye

Elsa: yeah it is you tried your best but I tried to be conceal don't feel.

Anna: ahhhh.
