from up here the pacific looks like fire and things to come
i'm a steel rocket; i am a human bomb
they say we'll be godsthunder, divine
but surely we'll only be history--literal and poignative;
stuck in time and out of time
i'm sending fingernails and locks of hair
i'm falling sky; i'm screaming air
oh, be at peace as I break into pieces for you
the end of me; a fiery blossom for you
lover, are you looking outside?
because before I die I'll draw a heart in the sky
the enemy floats right beneath my eyes
and his little black powder puffs
pop and polka-dot the sky
reason would have me lift up into the clouds and hide,
but you make me mad,
make me forget how to fly
oh! Lover, do you ever wonder why
when we were on the ground
heaven never seemed so high?