It's a world of shadow and light

nothing is black and nothing is white.
It's a world of shadow and light

it's only shadow
shadow and light.

I was always told to choose between what's good and bad

Though I was never ever sure what I was choosing.
I was even told to see the world in black and white

But deep inside I knew that life was more confusing.

I found out
I found out In My Own Way

When I opened up my eyes I saw nothing but shades of grey.

We live in a world of shadow and light

Where nothing is black and nothing is white

Where nobody's wrong and nobody's right

we live in a world now where there's really no fight -
Between the shadow and light.

It's a world of shadow and light

it's only shadow
shadow and light.

When you're looking round for clues about which way to turn
Don't expect to find one simple explanation.
When you're looking round for signs
that might point to the truth

don't expect to find a clear-cut situation.

You find out
you find out in your own way

When you open up your eyes you see nothing but shades of grey.

We live in a world of shadow and light
. . .
We live in a world of shadow and light
. . .
We live in a world of shadow and light
. . .
