Album: Supreme Knowledge Domain
long time ago, before man and even the cosmos was created
a battle between the forces of "light" and "darkness" took place
The Ancient Ones , led by MUMMU TIAMAT and ABSU
And the Elder Gods, led by the warrior MARDUK, son of the Sa God ENKI
This last one won the Battle
therefore, the cosmos was created from the slain Serpent's body,
and man, was created from the blood of the slain commander of the Ancient Army, KINGU, thereby
making man a descendent
of the "Enemy's Blood" as well as the "breath" of the Elder Gods
However, despite the identity of the victor is clear,
The Ancient Ones are there, lying in wait at every man's door
Threshold Into The Unknown
Probably, you'd already opened the Door by mistake,
Your own personal Gate to the Abyss, and were forced
To cross its Threshold Into The Unknown
"You may have never known Or, you may wish you never had"