My bombshell calm in a violent tangle
Blindfold and swing, bad moods in a spiral
Gifts all present, acquaintances soaked in spirits
Raging skull as I burst apart in bold aggression
My opinion
My opinion
My opinata
Smashed all over
To find my bird we were avoiding the main show
Caught her by the stove, she was burning graceful
Her widow's peak points to a centre craved satellite
Wanted the cake to be all icing, now we're sick on it
Vibration luxury
My opinion
My opinata
My opinata
My opinion changed
Insult & annoy
Miss the point
Miss the point
My opinata
My opinata
My opinion
My opinion changed
Vibration luxury
My opinata
My opinion
My opinata
My opinion changed
My bombshell calm in a violent tangle