Album: Just in Time for Christmas
And if it snows in Florida this year
we'll feel so sorry for you all
and try & drum up as much support as we can get
that would help you all get through this squall
but for now please people try and focus
& pray your dad gets the Christmas Bonus
and that you'll all get pony's and ride them slowly
through the open plains with all your homies
let's all wish for clothes a big 'ol pile
to drape over our skin & make everyone smile
there's cars and toys and cameras and candy
packed high to the sky with more out on the landing
bikes and sleds with all the bells and whistles
and barbie dolls with hair and tanks with missiles
oh deck your halls with all the latest crap
buy robots that chat and pet your cats
CD players that can play tapes and records
and wireless controllers and can cook you breakfast
and when you look outside it all seems so bright
silent night, all is bright
turn on your lights leave on your lights
And it might snow in Hollywood this year
what a tragedy for this bunch
and I don't want to dwell on that fear
but we have to be ready to give to the more fortunate
anything you can scrape up they're allergic to cheap
Prada and Gucci might be a need you could meet
please drop everything off so well wrapped
or they can't take it home the door man might laugh
just be considerate when making choices
think about their families, will it fit in Rolls Royce
nothing tacky just use imagination
really open up your wallet & put smiles on their faces
people we have to help out or no one will
and take meals door to door in Beverly hills
help the gardening staff hang the lights outside
hang em high and bright but the cords we'll try to hide
and volunteer with the maids to hang all the wreaths
and chop down the three story tree
and hoist it there up in the atrium
rent a children's choir and a boy with a drum
please help out this Christmas season
or a well off family won't believe in the reason
and it's a silent night, all is bright
turn on your lights please leave on your lights