Far beyond ......... Your fantacy

And nightmares of ....... Timeless space

There's a place ....... Of emptiness
With shadows of ....... No one's face
No more colors ........ No more hate
Senseless point .......... Of painless fate
No movements of ......... Aimless flash
Brain's blasting .......... And heart clash

Now a time to leave this flesh and escape to
Unknown skies and fly (to) be absorbed by
His universe hope to rest hope to die
Without hatred envy and lie

Deepest dreams ......... Of mindless self
Wingless flight ........ Of (year) innerself
No sound blasting ........ Null signals
& lost mother earth .......... Of animals
Here's a life .......... Here's a rest
Empty heart ........ In empty chest
Ma soil's escaped....... And life's free
How wish you .........Were here with me
