Here's a bible, feel the way I do
Here's a halo, now do like I think you should do
Stay low, force people to believe your way

So low, you can't handle someone different
A fork in the road, go I go right
You pull the wheel of life left

Please show me a sign
Come inside of me, again
The bush hasn't burn in so long
the more you push
the further I move away

You can't face reality admit it
Your views are so destorbed and I'm the credic
Board yourself up and
Make the world seem better then it is
Your never be light as a feather
stop making the world seem better then it is

Please show me a sign
Come inside of me, again
The bush hasn't burn in so long
the more you push
the further I move away

Use God as an excuse for your hatred
Wars are caused by religion
You tasted the water I didn't
You Defend your point with something with no evidence
Since Adam and Eve had sex gays are evil to you
Is that what your God told you to think and do?

Please show me a sign
Come inside of me, again
The bush hasn't burn in so long
the more you push
the further I move away

Everything we had is gone
Something new must come on strong
I just don't feel I belong in fake
do I trust you? Do I know you?
All these words with cyripitic meanings...
Halos, demons and mixed up feelings
