Album: Too Fast to Live and to Young to Die

Back in '46 the year I was born
They learned a lot of things, it was the end of the war
Sweets were on ration, there wasn’t much fashion
But everybody had fun, there was so much to be done
Peace in the air, new coats on the chair
You could turn out a light, and go out at night
The radio brought new sounds to the air
The comics we bought, were full of good gear
Superman, Spiderman, Marvelman, Desperate Dan
Superboy, Wonderboy, Fab Four, Rob Roy
When I was real small, before I went to school
We’d play on the fields, or go to the pool
We might build a camp and hide from out dads
Or go to the park and stay out 'till dark
Play doctors and nurse and chase all the girls
They’d tell their mums and we would be cursed
We’d chew lots of gum, knock doors and run
Play do or dare, and get real scared
The big boys would laugh they thought they were hard
We’d kiss our first chick and show thew our stick
Those times are gone but it’s still goin' on I remember those days and it still turns me on
I first heard rock an' roll when I was ten
It was Bill Haley’s voice, I was layin' in bed
Rock around the clock was a big hit
But I didn’t catch on 'till I heard Elvis sing
Hound dog was the song and it didn’t take long
To get a guitar and start boppin' along
Well, I got up a group and wrote some tunes
Hit the charts in early June
Mighty man, In the summertime
I’ve lived hard, I’ve lived fine
Seen the world, sailed and flown
Seen the best, seen the worst
