Album: Quiet World

So disimpassioned
Why can’t we see there is more here?
More grandeur to life

We are all so uninspired
It seems that we’ve all given up
Content with hardly living life

I must find more
I must break free
I refuse to remain in this senseless cage with them
I must find more
But how can I break free?

My head is spinning with this one question
I have reached a dead end
There’s not much more I can endure
Perhaps the only option I have is to jump
And abandon all of this

Oh Misery, you mercilessly
Keep weight on their wings
They won’t fly free
But I’ve leapt from these clouds
And now the wind shows me a new way of life
And I forget all their problems quite easily
And I believe that such a leap will make them see
That their troubles are small and worth no woe at all
For there’s salt in the sky as I lend myself to the sea

You will never understand…

Oh Harmony, it seems I’ve found you in the sea
For now I see the complete spectrum
And I must bring this balance back home
We can now be complete

Ni-Mu, Pa-Tu


Do you think you can defy me?
Sinister Silence, I am a god now too.
You so-called “Archon” choose a path you can’t amend.
No, surely we will never reach an end,
for you will never understand
