If you look around
you can see the lonely people
Turn your eyes around
you can see the lonely people
Sometimes I think I should pretend
to have a girl, to have a friend
but I will get them
I have to look for something
Sometimes I feel that is so wrong
I think I'm not the only one
I need a hand, I have to look for somewhere (somewhere)
If I look around
I can see there is the people
If I look around
I wait myself for
If you will look around as if you wanted me
If you look around you will see your light
I hope to wake up one moment
I'm trying Did you get ready for me?
making me feel like for by myself
If you walk around (If I will walk around)
you will see you are the people
If you walk around (I will try again)
you will see you're like the people
I'm sure you will badly understand
how hard is the way to walk again
please girl make me move to somewhere (somewhere)
somewhere (2)
If I walk around (I'll walk again)
I will see I am the people
If I walk around (you will walk again)
I will see I'm like the people
You will walk again
