Album: Terra Damnata
Three are the circles and three are gates
Three keys to unlock the leaden manacles of the gates
Three are her faces and three are her veils
By three secret names I call her at the threefold way
Darkness covers the realm of ether
As darkness buries the corpses crawling in the ground
Vain death sown deep into the flesh of man
Since that day he first opened his screaming eyes
Yet through the bottomless pit of matter
I can hear her calling and see her torch alight
A flame sprung from the heart of the empyreal hearth
To guide the scattered thoughts back into the halls of mind
O Ékati — O Phosphorous — Enodia Trismegistos
Open the depthts of the underworld that I may find the stars
O Trivia — Psuchopompos — Sophia Trismegistos
Open the heights of heaven that I may drink from the fount of gods
The fire of the father flowers in your sacred womb
The thunder of your world breaks through the sub-lunar tombs
Hell’s shadows shall bow in my presence and the Teletarchs sing me praise
For my spirit is led through the three fiery gates!
Behold the key and crossed bones, behold the hidden path
Behold a sun abloom within the uttermost black
As spirit returns to spirit and flesh to the worm and the hole
I was born of the father and him with my mother I go