In the darkness I may find
I may find a hidden light
Thinking that maybe I had the right
Thinking i had the right to go In that year of many more
I kicked my strength along the floor
And the darkness saved my light
And that darkness sent me home
I’m a soul buyer and i need your soul cus i got mine fired, and I’m a price
finder and licensed to get my soul rehired. In my day i was a prize fighter and
my fist would acquire anything I desire, but hey, I’m a nice guy and perhaps
should’ve been more pacified
Instead I decided to own an empire until the time when I became a taxi driver,
but I’m not a great driver and times got tighter; the logical choice was be a firefighter. then for a stint tried to be a skydiver hoping every single jump
that my wings would transpire, but here I stand, a man retired, a soulless man,
who might be a liar
In the darkness I may find
I may find a hidden light
Thinking that maybe I had the right
Thinking i had the right to go In that year of many more
I kicked my strength along the floor
And the darkness saved my life
And that darkness sent me home
He became the man in the frame
The man in the frame was his name
And the day came get on with it all
Which stage name would he claim
Pick a pen name
Add a dame another dame too
Go figure what was wrong with the feud
Was his claim to the fame
He’d rarely deliver
Never made dinner, he was hardly a giver
Each day came id change my life; I’d say goodbye to my loving wife and my loving wife would show me a knife and say I’m the cause of all her strife
Well if all her strife had been caused by me well then me leaving should make
her happy, but me leaving was what made her blue and she began to ask «can I go with you?»
No no no no.
He became the man in the frame
The man in the frame was his name
And the day came get on with it all
Which stage name would he claim
Pick a pen name
Add a dame another dame too
Go figure what was wrong with the feud
Was his claim to the fame
He’d rarely deliver
Never made dinner, he was hardly a giver
Each day came i’d change my life