The black silhouette appears at my door
Dragging me out, I'm clawing the floorboards
Pretty soon I'm all heads up
For long bombs and double-knotting my Keds up
Fake left, go left, quarterback sneak
Try to wriggle out of it, he'll knock you into next week
Curve ball, bean ball, spit ball, damn it all
Sportsnut Alcatraz digging out the back wall
Don't blame me I don't wanna run a buttonhook
I'm in the middle of a good book
I quit!
And I don't need to win
I don't wanna be an easy out again
Why don't you stay here and play with yourself? (repeat)
It's not that I'm weak or don't like outside
Sometimes I submit and sometimes I hide out,
And it's a lowly existence
But when the low survives it's from persistence
Fake left go long, quarterback sneak
Try to wriggle it out of it, I'll knock you into next week
Man on first, man on third,
Nerd on second with the knees like a bird
Don't blame me I don't wanna run a buttonhook
I'm in the middle of a good book
I quit!
And I don't need to win
I don't wanna be an easy out again
Why don't you stay here and play with yourself? (repeat)
Well here's a ball, there's a yard
Go chase it like a stupid St Bernard (repeat)
I hate a lotta hate a lotta games
I probably oughta not-
I might've liked "?em better but a stupid St Bernard
Made me this way, it's OK