I am not a muse.
I don't have hits on charts with other people's bad news.
I'm not a series of childish clues that believe cleverly in half truths.

I am not a muse. I am not a muse.

I am not some sad jack in anorak or half cap, high on smack.
I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse.

I am not in the band because Daddy didn't understand.
I do not gain from others' pain and then sell it back to them again.
I'm not mad or insane.
I'm not into early Miles Davis or John Coltrane.
I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse.

I am not a muse. I do not profess to love the blues.
I'm not fit to shine Gram Parsons' new soft shoes.
I do not mention countless interviews, countless interviews. I am not a muse.

I am not a northern star.
I do not break my friends with 'ay-ups' and "Alright las".
I don't sit outside of Italian [star bombs and talk about the Lars and the Lars and the Las.]

I am not in the band because Daddy didn't understand.
I do not gain from others' pain and then sell it back to them again.
I'm not mad or insane.
I'm not into early Miles Davis or John Coltrane.
I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse.

I am not a muse.
I'm not a series of "don'ts and do's" and "who's whose" for the middle classes to peruse. I don't hang with North London crews.
No I ain't no muse.

I am not a professional southerner. I know I'm not "alright, guv'nor."
As one masochist said to the other, "don't beat yourself up about it brother. Don't

beat yourself up about it brother."

I am not in the band because Daddy didn't understand.
I do not gain from others' pain and then sell it back to them again.
I'm not mad or insane.
I'm not into early Miles Davis or John Coltrane.
I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse.

I did not form a band to get a larger plot of land.
It was not engineered or planned to spend a life by sea or sand. [I have a ????

for that.] I am not a muse.

I am not a muse.
I'm not into Robert Johnson.
I don't love those Delta blues.
[I can feel the ??eeze but I can't change a ??ew.]

I am not in the band because Daddy or Mommy didn't understand.
I do not gain from others' pain and then sell it back to them again.
I'm not mad or insane.
I'm not into early Miles Davis or John Coltrane.
I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not

a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am not a muse. I am

not a muse. I am not a muse.
