Yes we can!

We know the challenges that tomorrow will bring
Are the greatest of our lifetime
But, America I
Have never been more hopeful
Than I am tonight
That we will get there
I promise you
Out of many, we are one
That while we breathe, we hope
And, where we are met with cynicism and doubt,
And those who tell us that we can't,
We will respond with that timeless creed
That sums of the spirit of the people

Yes we can!

Yes we can!

Ye ye ye ye yes we can!

Today I say to you - that
The challenges we face are real

They are serious and they are many
But, know this America
They will be met!
Starting today,
We must pick ourselves up,
Dust ourselves off,
And begin the work of remaking America

Yes we can!

Ye ye ye ye yes we can (CAN CAN CAN CAN)!
