Album: Father of Invention
At ten to 10 first guests begin to ascend
The steps to Elemental Manor. Step In! Bring a Friend
Geoffrey check the invitation as proof — no offense
But if he wrestles you then fling him some fruit then attend
In new suits, ball gowns, top hats and pajamas
Over there at back you’ll find Tom Carajuana
And he’s cooking up some marvelous treats: the largest of beats
You ate before you came? You’ll still be starving to eat.
Enter the best party of the last century
Leave your common sense, make friends with every enemy
Tonight there’s plenty of special guests so incredibly precious
How it’s meant to be. Yes you can pretend to be Anything and Anyone Everything you do for fun
Especially set up and I’ll share the set with everyone
One man jamboree, man’s a hedonistic pantomimes
And friends of those and anyone who’ll ever be a fan of mine
You’re Invited!
All you Steampunks and LARpers
B-boys and hard heads, geeks, nerds and artists
You’re Invited!
Your Mum’s friends and your cousins,
Your Gran’s bingo club and all the dozens of others
You’re Invited!
Perky and properly attired
Or wired, untidy, exhausted and tired
You’re Invited!
I mean the old and the young
You’re All Invited!
I’d be delighted if you told them to come.
The food fight in the dining room got out of control
When Moog stuffed his blunderbuss with some well buttered rolls
Outside the go-kart racers are ready to roll
The ice rink in the bathroom is incredibly cold
Whoever left the penguin in the fridge please pick him up
(Please!) ‘cause he’s unsettling the chef
— (Ring!) — Who’s that ringing up? (Hello!)
Who ordered ten kiss-o-gram animals and
why is everyone in the back room dressed as Santa Claus?
We’ve got a Gin Fountain, a Custard Cream Mountain
Have you seen the trampoline by the speakers?
(Keep Bouncing)
To turn the beat up you need to be Key Pup
You need to raise your tea cup
You need to raise your knees up!
No time but the present presently present the present
A several minute session in seconds of heavy present
It’s heaven -sent a setup, a jewel for you to treasure
Professor Elemental’s new set for every pleasure
You’re Invited!
You’re Invited!
All you Steampunks and LARpers
B-boys and hard heads, geeks, nerds and artists
You’re Invited!
Your Mum’s friends and your cousins,
Your Gran’s bingo club and all the dozens of others
You’re Invited!
Perky and properly attired
Or wired, untidy, exhausted and tired
You’re Invited!
I mean the old and the young
You’re All Invited!
I’d be delighted if you told them to come.