Ren: Cousin Sven, he's here Cousin, come on in Say something intelligent
Sven: Dah, he is Ollie, you are Sven He is Ollie, you are Sven
Sven: Ah, duh, you are my new friend I share mit you
Stimpy: Say, what's that?
Sven: It's my yar of spit I've been saving it since I was a child
Stimpy: You save your spit? Wait here, I wanna show you something
Look it's my magic nose goblins
Sven: Yiminy!
Stimpy: I picked them myself
Sven: Yah, und I finally get a good look at them
Sven & Stimpy: Hee hee hee hee
Sven: One - six - yerteen - eight
Sven: What's that?
Stimpy: Duh, it's my first material possession
Sven: Willikers! Eets so big!
Stimpy: I know
Sven: You want to see mine?
Stimpy: OK - wow!
Sven & Stimpy: (scream)
Sven: Stimpy, I love this
