(lyrics by Lana Bogan; music by James Seals, 1974)

From the album UNBORN CHILD (1974)

Oh little baby, you'll never cry, nor will you hear a sweet lullabye

Oh unborn child, if you only knew just what your momma was plannin' to do
You're still a-clingin' to the tree of life, but soon you'll be cut off before you get ripe
Oh unborn child, beginning to grow inside your momma, but you'll never know
Oh tiny bud, that grows in the womb, only to be crushed before you can bloom

Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over
Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over
Stop, turn around, go back think it over

Oh no momma, just let it be You'll never regret it, just wait and see
Think of all the great ones who gave everything
That we might have life here, so please bear the pain

Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over
Now stop, turn around, go back, think it over
Stop, turn around, go back think it over
