Grover: "Yoo-hoo! It is I, your little stage manager! Tell me when to drop the snow!"

Prairie: "Get back, Grover! Everyone can see you!"

Grover: (aside) "Sorry"

Prairie, in singsong voice:
"Oh, welcome Oh, welcome
To our little play
We're ever so glad
You could join us today
To praise the four seasons
That make up our year
But, hearken! Cold winter,
The first one, is here!"

Bert: (aside): "Am I first? I'm so nervous
Oh, winter's the season
For cold and for snow
Uh, for snow"

Prairie: "The snow, Grover, the snow!"

Grover: "Oops! Sorry"

Bert: "The ground is all icy,
So flowers can't grow"

Prairie: "You missed him, Grover! It's supposed to snow ON Bert!"

Bert: "Though winter is chilly,
It's also quite nice
You can sled on the snow
You can skate on the ice

(to snowman prop) C'mon Horace Let's get out of here"

Grover (to himself): "Oh, my goodness Who is next?"

Prairie: "Spring! Spring comes after winter, silly"

Ernie (pushing Herry): "Hey Herry! Get out there!"

Herry: "UhThen after winter
Comes heavenly spring,
When the snow starts to melt,
And the birdies all sing"

Grover: "Cue the birdies of springtime!
Tweet, tweet! Oh, tweety-tweet!
Oh, a thousand tweets!"

Prairie: "Enough, Grover, enough!"

Herry: "First the sun starts to shine
Then the rain starts to shower
And up from the ground
Grows a beautiful
(with a flourish)

Ernie (aside): "I'm next
Three cheers for summer,
When it's sunny and hot
The beaches are open;
The schoolrooms are not"

Grover (aside): "Oh, where did I put the sunshine?"

Ernie: "There's tennis and baseball
And fishing and swimming
For boys and for girls
And for men and for wimming!"

Prairie (aside): "Wimming?"

Ernie: "Hey, Grover, it doesn't snow in summer!"

Grover: "Sorry! I could not find the sunshine!"

Cookie (aside): "Me next
Me apple treewith real apples! See?
In autumn we harvest
Many good things to eat
Like corn, squash, and pumpkins
And apples so sweet
Apples so sweet
Me love to"

Grover: "Hey, watch it!"

Cookie: "EAT THEM!
Mmmm! Apples not bad AT ALL!"

Prairie: "Cookie, stop eating your costume"

Cookie: "In autumn the leaves
Turn red, yellow, and brown;
And when the wind blows them,
Leaves fall to the ground"

Grover: "OH, MOMMY! I am going to fall!
Here come the LEEEEEEEEEAVES!"

Cookie: "Leaves not bad either!"

Ernie, Bert, Cookie, and Herry: "We've told you the four Seasons, and the fun
That they bring
They are"

Ernie: "SUMMER!"

Cookie: "And AUTUMN!"

Bert: "And WINTER!"

Herry: "Oh, and SPRING!"

Ernie, Bert, Cookie and Herry: "They're just like four letters
We're holding right here
You put them together
And they make a

Grover: "There is no business like show business!"
