- Laughter -
Ah, you shit face cock master (Wow, shit face cock master)
Listen, you donkey raping shit eater (Donkey raping shit eater)
(Baby's voice) Donkey raping shit eater
You'd fuck your uncle (You'd fuck your uncle)

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker
You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucker
You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true
No one fucks uncles quite like you

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker
You're the one who fucked your uncle, uncle fucker
You don't sleep or eat or mow the lawn, you fuck your uncle all day long
- Farting and more laughter -

Traffic Cop: "What's going on here?"
- More farting -
"Ew, what garbage!"

Well, what do you expect there Canadian uncle fucker?
Uncle fucker Uncle fucker Uncle fucker

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker (Uncle fucker)
You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fucker
You're an uncle fucker, I must say
Well, you fucked your uncle yesterday!
Uncle fucker, that's U-N-C-L-E fuck you!
Uncle fucker Suck my balls
