How you could never remember
that shining day in December
lightning sliced through the horizon

Submarine collide on the big screen
siren in tidal wave big dream
Time Tunnel got me in strife it seems

Can you remember?
can you remember?
can you remember?
watch the feathers fly

I'm in a dream boat it's all under water
I'm in a dream boat it's all under water
I'm in a dream boat it's all under water

Take my boat and turn it right over
on it's belly roll it like dough and
let the comet dust sprinkle in your eyes
lund landscape up on the big screen
Dunaway with Faye in a big scream
drop a rocket down on the building

Can you remember?
can you remember?
can you remember?
watch the feathers fly

I'm in a dream boat it's all under water
I'm in a dream boat it's all under water
I'm in a dream boat it's all under water

And you know
without that scary thing
I'd be a mess
I'd be just paper mache in a b-grade love nest



Can you remember?
