Tried to get up early this morning
To put another chapter in my story
Every page has been the same
Everyone wants to be part of this game
What is anything good for
I don't even want to know anymore
Everything sounded like a symphony
But it all has turned to tyranny

What are we headed toward
If this is what we're living for
Normal people have corrupted us
Everthing has turned toward lust
If we don't want to be part of that
Don't just sweep your life under the mat
You're the one in the driver's seat
It's up to you where you'll meet

This is what everyone's living for
Everyone wants just a little bit more
Everyone wants to be part of the crowd
And find their way in some how

Tried to get up early this morning
And put another chapter in my story
Every page has been the same
Everyone wants to be part of this game



Mel Gibson
in advance clips from


Mel Gibson
in advance clips from


Yahoo! Movies Exclusive
