About a year ago, I talked with a friend up at MIT, and he had on
reel-to-reel an interview with Tom Lehrer Two songs that did not
appear on any of his albums included a cover of The 50 Russian Composers
(similar in idea to The Elements) and this interesting song about Boston
(my home) both which he plays live on the tape that I have

H is for my alma mater Hah-vahd,
C it stands for Central, next stop on the line,
K is for the cozy Kendall station
C is Charles that overlooks the brine
P is Park (clears throat) Pahk Street, busy Boston station,
W is Washington you see
Put them all together they spell
(HCCKKCC PW (sounds like somebody spitting))
Which is just about what Boston means to me! -Tom Lehrer
