sittin' in the hot wok takeaway
every single thing has gone wrong from that day
"i like english man" said she
cor! i thought free chop suey?
i was sittin' in the got wok, what a shock i got, didn't i, ay
sittin' in the hot wok, she wooed me
she was gonna make a mockery of me
bamboozled by a chinese bint, she milked me dry
and left me skint
in a peking penthouse pad, with the bank account i once had
she knew it but i didn't know that, i'd end up in a council flat
tricked and sick, why did he pick a chick, when she's a cheatin' chick
from china
sittin' in the hot wok penniless
she got me in an oriental mess
i fell for, a bird so bad, that hong kong whore
took all i had
flat broke i was in a fix, by a bit o' skirt with chopsticks
for a little eastern crumpet, i was left 10 grand in debt