suck a polarbear's funky ass
suck a racehorse's cup of tomato heinz ketchup
suck a donkey's shitty ass
suck a male camel's dick with hoy cin sauce

suck a cheatah's dick 4X

suck a european bison's smelly ass
suck a wooly mamoth's dick with miricale whip
suck a snow leapard's ass with whip cream
suck a hyena's spermy dick

suck a cheatah's dick 4X

suck a llama's shitty asshole
suck a panda's spermy nutsack
suck a slumpass booty hole
suck a greyhound's musty ass MOTHER FUCKER!

suck a cheatah's dick 4X

rock over london
rock on chichago
polarize, see what develops
