Из альбома: Hope
Once there was peace and love all around
There was no evil and everything was fine
Once upon a time, one angel thought in his mind:
I want to be almighty, almighty like God
He was thrown out of heaven and became the Beast,
The beast, that is called
That's called: Satan
God taught man to love and to live
Satan seduced to sin, they have to die
Everyone lived in sin Satan ruled over them
But God sent his holy son,
So you can get forgiveness of your sin
And so eternal live He died for you and he died for me
You can resist the beast and get a peaceful and holy live
Once you will go to heaven,
And God will reward you thousand times
Do not trust Satan's word
He wants to seduce you
Fight with me, fight with us,
Live for Christ and spread his love
We are strong through Jesus Christ
At the end of time Satan will be thrown into eternal hell,
Everyone who didn't believe t will follow him
But you could live in heaven, together with the holy God
Where will you go? Said you yes, or said you no?
Do you trust in Satan's lies, or do you live in Jesus Christ?