I’m a really young guy
In fact I am only thirteen
I got famous making shitty Vines
And cringey lipsyncs on Musical. ly Since my fans seem to love
Everything I do They will probably love me doing
A pop song too
But you can’t sing!
Your voice sounds like a sick animal who’s dying!
Your singing makes my ears hurt!
It’s making me nauseous!
I’d rather drink bleach than hear this!
God this song is a huge turd!
Plus this video looks like ass
It’s no wonder it almost has
A million dislikes!
If you think my singing sucks
Without auto-tune it’s much worse
This is what I really sound like
The worst singing ever heard
But all my fans
Just see my face and swoon
And when I bite my lip
And do all my fuckboy moves
They are hypnotized
Get your dad’s bank card and buy
My crap merchandise
Like my overpriced sweatshirt
It cost one buck to make
So I’ll be laughing to the bank
Girl when you wear my sweatshirt
I hate my fat and smelly fans
But my mom and dad demand
I hug them and smile
Jacob get inside!
To sew sweatshirts!
But I really don’t wanna sew!
This blows
Let’s go!
Oh wait
First let’s make a Vine
Now start sewing those sweatshirts!
Our son looks like an elf
But he’s brought us such immense wealth
Hey Jacob get back to work!
It’s time to post a corny tweet
And film a cringey Musical. ly Make all your fans buy sweatshirts!



Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody
Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody
Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody
Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody
Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody
Bart Baker - Sweatshirt Parody