there's a helicopter with a searchlight as big and bright as a star wars sword about two blocks from here where the people are mostly poor the cops say they don't know who's flying that thing and it's loud, it got me out of bed to witness their sting who wronged who who's running and what race
first I'm scared like there's some monster on the loose, then i'm like oh right there's monsters everywhere it's just which side they choose maybe who they're after is the invisible man and they won't even catch him until he's got his hands in the white world's cookie jar they'll never catch him
great men have lived in subways women have sculpted homes out of dirt eight men live in the sewer at the basement of our earth it's our face on all those coins we've made murder into money we've just pulled profits from people's deaths we've been duped and regrouped so we could all fear each other then we believe in this because we can't even imagine another
all saints all prophets all stories all storytellers all whores all birds all people who've come out to be heard all women all witches all bitches all trannies all scrotum toters all glass blowers all chicks with big fannies all dealers all healers all self righteous kneelers all artists all poems all same thing over and over again all artists all poems all will all continue forever no creation no destruction we are all here we have always been here we are all here we will always be here no matter how the search ends no matter how far it bends
