Honey Bee, I'll be with you, if you want to, say the
Word and I'll sign right here.
Honey Bee, be with me and I'll please you, see the
Forests, and the mornings, and this year.
Honey Please, please say it, say I want you, all the
Fire that's burned between our tears.
This Heart is Pleased, it's is worth it, you wont regret
It, I will love you endlessly through the years.
Honey Bee, Be with me, if you want to, I'll sow your
World and I'll play you songs.
Honey Please, Please be, just be with me, and I'll see
You after school.
Fall away Fall away if you want to,
Fall away Fall away if you want to,
Fall away Fall away if you need to,
All the doubts, that are within you, they control you.
You can close your eyes to the things that you don't
Want to see,
But you can't close your heart to the way that you feel
About me,
You can close your eyes to all the things you don't
Want to see about me,
But you can't close your heart to the way that you feel
About me.
Honey Bee, be with me if you want to, say the word and
I'll be by your side.
Honey Bee, I'm so sorry that I hurt you, flap your wings
And we'll be in the air.
Flap your wings and we'll disappear in the air.