You, change your mind, like Cheyenne changes boys
Yeah you, think your cool, when Carmie is cooler
& you, always think, Mariahs your friend? it's not true
& so you think your cooler than all of us
But were hot & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down
Your wrong, when were right
Your black, & were white
You fight then suck up, we kick don't make up

Tanya don't really wanna stay alone, she f**ks fake boyfriends on the phone
Cause were hot, & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down

Channings face is stretched out, like playdough
& Bailey looks like plastic, but it's really not true
& Larissa is a ginger
& Tanya is just small
& Cody, is just a weedy playyy-eerrr


But were hot & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down
Your wrong, when were right
Your black, & were white
You fight then suck up, we kick don't make up

Logan don't really wanna stay alone, she is a fat ugly hoe
Cause were hot, & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down

Breonna sounds so weird, she sounds like a squeeking b**ch
She wants to, do something every-daaayy

You, change your mind, like Cheyenne, changes boys
But were hot & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down
Your wrong, when were right
Your black, & were white
You fight then suck up, we kick don't make up

Logan don't really wanna stay alone, she might kill herself at her home
Cause were hot, & your cold
Were yes, & your no
Were in, & your out
Were up, & your down
