Forever did I lie, dreaming
Forever did I walk, slumbering
A restless sleep, a waking dream
A world of grey and unrest
My heart rebelled against this dull horror
Yet my mind could conceive of nothing else
These eyes beheld nothing but grey dust
And my tongue could taste nothing but ashes
Yet from this nothing arose a lotus
Its petals golden and blue through the anguish which revealed an emerald earth
In this lies a great mystery
None was the initiator and nought was the offering
Nothingness revealed a hidden fire
Fresh eyes to the blind
None awoke the dreamer and there was no dream
Nothing kissed my brow and raised my eyes
Nothing took me by the hand and led me We entered the portal
We passed through the watchtowers
We left the world of grey marionettes and shells
And the world gladdened into green at her coming
And i beheld the emerald earth
