I'm so lonely here
Just me and my beer
There's no one to fear
So come join me here

It takes nerves of steel
Like a pig I must squeal:
"Dudes, what's up, where are you to night?"
But there's no one there, to help with my plight

So I sits here alone
by my computer and phone
No one there to dual
just me and my stool

Christ where are you? This site is a gas
I can rant and rave, like a big hairy ass
But its no fun if no one joins me
Alone I must sit
Periodically checking
to see if there's been a hit
But there hasn't Oh no
Just me all alone
Filling in spaces
as I sit by the bong (???)

(It doesn't really rhymebut no one's reading itso who cares? Not me)
