(C Ackerman)
As I walk to the computer
where I found my girlfriend,
I take a look at my life
and realize its very plain!
But that's just perfect for an Jedi like me,
Ya know, I NEED fancy things like electricity
At four-thirty in the mornin' I'm chatting with kev
EagleT beats the peons and Dylan wow's fool!
And I've been chatin' and bitchin' so long that
Even Lise thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the net, I'm into discipline
Got a mouse in my hand and no beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my pages
And you finish yours,
then tonight we'll flood wchat
Like We're Whores !
We've been spending most our lives
Living in a mIRC Paradise
I flood k9 once or twice,
Living in a mIRC Paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice,
Living in a mIRC Paradise
We steal software with out a price,
Living in a mIRC Paradise
A local op kicked me out of the channel last week
I just flooded him and I turned the other cheek
I really don't care, In fact, I wish him well
'Cos I'll be laughing my head off When i nuke him to hell
But, I ain't never kicked a peon, Even though he deserved it
An OP with a 'tude, You know that's unheard of
I never puh yer buttons, and kylas got my sw hat! (bitch!)
And my homeys agree, I use to be a peon in black, fool!
If you come to visit, you'll be bored to tears
I need to pay my phone 300 dollar phone bill, dear !
But we ain't really quaint,
So please don't clone or scroll,
We're just, as kev would say, Stone Cold!
There's no peons, no gimps, no helpbots,
Not a single sysop UnLike Wchat,
It's as fun as it can be
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an mIRC Paradise
We're just plain and simple guys,
Living in an mIRC Paradise
There's no time for sin and vice
Living in an mIRC Paradise
We always fight, we dont play nice,
Living in an mIRC Paradise
Hammerin' up a channel,
raisin' lots of clutter
took a channel on Monday,
Soon I'll take anutter
Think you're really peonic?
Think you're really smart?
Well, I know I'm a million times
As humble as thou art!
I'm the jedi guy the little newbies wanna be like
On my ass day and night chatting till the afterlife!
So don't be vain, And don't be whiny!
Or else, Dylan , K9 might have to get medieval on your heinie!
We've been spending most our lives
Living in an mIRC Paradise
We're all crazy Mennonites
Living in an mIRC Paradise
There's irc cops banning u out of sight
Living in an mIRC Paradise
But you'd probably think it bites
Living in an mIRC Paradise
Ah oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Ah oh oh oh, oh oh YECCH
