Из альбома: Reign of the Unholy Black Empire

I embrace death with open arms and kiss it's cold lips savour it's lack of substance lack of pain forever enshrouded in darkness I wrap myself in it's shadow as black as the moonless night the void is calling it's siren song in my dreams but the faster I move towards it the farther away it seems
I wake in cold sweat only to find I am alone
I am alone!
I walk through the centuries never knowing what lies ahead marvelling at the beauty of emptyness the tranquility of death breathing in the cold winters night listening to the pounding of my heart like the drums of some oncoming armies approach
My veins burn with desrire and I long to be one with the fallen!
To be one with the fallen!
I wait for the inevitable with open arms and kiss it's cold lips savour it's lack of substance lack of pain forever enshrouded in darkness I shall forever remain
But the light at the end of the tunnel is nothing but a candle and we are but moths destined for the flames
Our bodies will turn to ashes our bones will fade to dust our lives will be forgotten all our dreams crushed for now desolation forms my minds eye
I look forward to never looking backwards in regret!
I look forward to never looking forward again!
I look forward to the end of it all
Reality, Perception biased by our egos mutilated by our superegos they are nothing to me know I transcent these for now I am one with the void for now only desolation forms my minds eye!
