Six-foot two in red, white and blue
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
We're gonna find out what napalm can do
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
We're gonna finally finish what we should have won
Bazookas and hand grenades to add to the fun
Let's go back to Vietnam Bowl 'em down first strike
Twice again for Uncle Sam Victory this fight
It's time to regroup and renew our attack
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
The Vietnam freedom fighters wanna go back
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
We're not gonna collect any monkey's ears
Gonna trade dog tags for communist tears
Wanna teach some commies how to rock and roll
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
Gonna turn their pavement into red hot coals
(Let's go back to Vietnam)
Kill A Commie for a mommie the American way
Get the entire Middle East on the very next day