Yes, I'm comin' back to serve a second term
This time I won the national elec-she-un!
Oh, thanks to you O-hi-a,
And dear brother Jebedia,
We get four more years to rule in Washington!
Good God he's comin' back to serve a second term
We were hoping in '04 we'd get a turn
But we lost the vicious battle,
Now they're stuck without a paddle!
Who will save us from con-ser-va-tiz-eum?
I will stabalize Iraq in my second term
And I will amend the con-sti-tu-sheun
Then I'll eliminate all the taxes,
That are breakin; all our back-siz
And push for more pri-vat-i-za-she-un!
We cannot believe he won a second term
He destroyed the trans-atlantic alli-unce!
Heck, I'll extend a friendly offer,
Barbeque and beers in Crawford!
Mending fences broken by pre-emp-she-un!
We want peace on earth throughout his second term
We want Iraqis to have free elec-she-uns
There's a beef here, let's dispatch it,
And bury that ol' hatchet
Yes, we've been through stormy weather,
Now it's time to work together!
Gather round the ol' chuck wagon,
It's a grand time we'll be havin',
In the four years he has left in Wash-ing-ton!