When you move in right up close to me
That's when I get the chills all over me
Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over
Just the way you say goodnight to me
Brings the feelin' on inside of me
Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
Источник teksty-pesenok.ru
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over
Quivers down my backbone
I got the shakes in my thigh bone
I got the shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over
Well, you make me shake and I like it, baby
You make me shake and I like it, baby
Well, shake, shake, shake
Shake, shake
Shake, shake, shake
Shake, shake, shake
№ | Топ 3 Johnny Kidd & The Pirates |
1 | Johnny Kidd & The Pirates - Hungry For Love |
2 | Johnny Kidd & The Pirates - I'll Never Get Over You |
3 | Johnny Kidd & The Pirates - Doctor Feelgood |