God - king above all other gods - lead us now, so we can walk wherein the
prophets said that we would trod

Buddha - tell a sutra like a spell - teach us well to answer silence with the calling of bells

Allah - bring us to a good alarm - subjugate our wills to answer you like a mighty arm
Elohim is a pillar of light in the dark and leading all his people to light (for
He's the king of the fire)
He brings the fire into everything that's living on earth, in the sun, in the
Take a spark of it - deep within you - put it to the test - it will do the rest -
I confess - It will be like
Climbing Up Mount Everest - I can't express the view from there - but it's
for you to follow through

Lama - show the Power's bright array - bless the climb, and settle peace upon the universe's dark display

And Jesus - remember every promise made - Present yourself in the middle of the prayers that we say

Vishnu - preserve us all along the way - Keep us clear of the final thunderbolt of the judgement day

Hear me - Hear what I - what I ask for today - Fathers

Way off at the far leftern shelf of the world - up in a house right on the edge of everything - where the time is tumbling in a vortex - the nexus of timetable tides - in the final lighthouse at shining earth's ending - at the spinning of the finishing of sweeping time - driving silence like a stampeding careening wash in charging advance
digging the sound of passing everything away into the secret of eternity's pivot dance
breaking down crashing doorways - bashing through dreamplace - smash, unlash, efface - everything goes
to th
