You just keep mixing me up First you’re angry because you think
I’m trying to take advantage of you
You just keep mixing me up First you’re angry because you think
I’m trying to take advantage of you
And now you’re angry
Because you think
I let Bruno take advantage of me Well, which is it?
Which am I?
Am I the dum-dum that got
Taken last night or the bitch
Who’s trying to take you tonight?
Your name’s Frank, right?
Frank Harmon
I, uh, I saw it on your mailbox
My name’s Breezy
You gave me a ride
Down the hill today
And whether you like it or not
That makes you a nice guy in my book
I gave you a ride because
I didn’t want to leave you
Hanging around my house
But I’ll tell you something
I never woke up in the morning
And had to look at someone
That made me sorry that I was there
But I bet you have
I wouldn’t let it get in your way
Or anything
And I wouldn’t expect you
To feel anything back
All this love that you give away
Just once, wouldn’t you like
To have it returned?
Would you mind very much
If I love you?
I just would like to be able
To say the words once in a while
Don’t you ever
Want to be loved back?
I thought I was
Hello, my love
Hello, my life
You know what?
I think I might love you
Till the day I die
I don’t know. If we’re lucky
We might last a year
