I got the blues about a woman
It knocked me to my knees
Now I stand like a mountain
Roll like the seas
Walk right out girl and slam the door
Baby, baby I don’t care no more
I got brainstorms rollin' every which way
I got a big ol’heart that won’t do what I say
I’m just like a boat far from shore
Baby, Baby I don’t care no more
Please stop talking about all you can do I know 10, 000 people talkin' just like you
What in the world are you bragging for
Baby, baby I don’t care no more
I use to try to change the whole human race
I cried! I preached all over the place
Now, if you’re weak baby, if you’re poor
Baby, baby I don’t care no more
I use to think I had eyes like a god
But now I feel like Marquis De Sade
Call me no good dirty w Baby, baby I don’t care no more
Well, there once was a time
I’d give you anything I had
But, it looks like being good to people
Just makes them had
So, I’m gonna go out and start a war
Baby, baby I don’t care no more
I use to live my life for somebody else
But from now on I’m going to live for myself
I’m gonna live like never before
Cause baby, baby I don’t care no more
